Adresa: Sirul Livezii nr.2
Judet: Brasov
Localitate: Brasov
Reprezentant: Adrian Debu
Tel fix: 0742586052
Tel mobil: 0722405646
Descriere: Oferim transport catre orice destinatie din Romania cat si in afara tarii. Transferurile la si de la Aeroporturile Internationale Otopeni, Baneasa, Sibiu, Tirgu Mures, Cluj, vizitarea obiectivelor turistice dorite, vacanta sau business, cu noi vor fi intotdeauna deosebite.
Prin serviciile pe care le oferim, dorim sa intampinam nevoile clientilor nostri - turisti si parteneri de afaceri - astfel încat sa devenim un partener de incredere in calatorii de afaceri si vacante de succes.
The best drivers, speaking english and german, with the best cars, are waiting to drive you wherever you want, 24/7. Driving you from the International Airports Otopeni, Baneasa, Sibiu, Tirgu Mures, Cluj, to Brasov and back, to Draculas Castle in Bran, Peles Castle in Sinaia, or any other location you choose, it is our job.
Through the services we provide, our intention is to preview our customers needs - tourists and businessmen - so that we should become a reliable partner for successful business travels and holidays.
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