Skysoft srl
Adresa: Str. Revolutiei Bl.C7 Apt.13
Judet: Dambovita
Localitate: Targoviste
Reprezentant: Virjoghe Alin
Tel fix: 0345100547
Tel mobil: 0733066390
Descriere: SKYSOFT S.R.L. este un important dezvoltator de solutii business, realizate pe platforma 1C (
Utilizand tehnologie de ultima ora, SKYSOFT ofera o noua abordare a gestionarii intreprinderii, dand calitatea unui ERP prin orice produs al sau:
SkyLite - program de gestiune complet;
SkyConta - contabilitate de la A la Z;
SkyService - sistem complet de gestionare si contabilizare a activitatii unui service auto si a magazinelor de
piese auto;
SkyERP - sisteme integrate de automatizare a activitatii intreprinderii.
pfurnizare | systemic sclerosis guideline | subway station what time is close | subway station what time close | The degree to which a person can get and understand health information about their condition and the services available to them so they can make informed decisions and choices is referred to as
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