because each the colonies was established under different conditions

Ati cautat because each the colonies was established under different conditions

Datalogger temp. 32k dttlog

gama ClimaSys nume produs ClimaSys DT tip produs sau componenta USB data logger nume scurt al dispozitivului DTTLog tip de masurare Temperature - 40…80 °C ...

511.05 Ron
Datalogger temp+umid+punct de roua dthlog

gama ClimaSys nume produs ClimaSys DT tip produs sau componenta USB data logger nume scurt al dispozitivului DTHLog tip de masurare Temperature - 40…80 °C - ...

1112.17 Ron
Minilog temp dtminilog

gama ClimaSys nume produs ClimaSys DT tip produs sau componenta USB single use data logger nume scurt al dispozitivului DTMiniLog tip de masurare Temperature - 40…80 ...

222.46 Ron
Ruleta electrician, 2 m

Description Electricians need to have several tools with different functional features at hand when fitting a flush box and pulling cables to ensure that they can complete their work quickly ...

53.92 Ron
Generator monofazat pramac e4500

Cod producator: PA322SYH000Generator monofazat Pramac E4500, benzina, pornire manualaCompliancy certification CEStandby power LTP 4,8 kWRated prime power (PRP) 3,64 kVARated continuous power (COP) 3,31 kVAPhases 1Voltage 230 VFrequency 50 HzBattery ...

5781 RON
Generator monofazat pramac e8000

Cod producator: PA652SHI000Generator monofazat PRAMAC E8000 6,6 kVA, benzina, pornire manuala.Compliancy certification CEStandby power LTP 7,7 kWRated prime power (PRP) 6,6 kVARated continuous power (COP) 6 kVAPhases 1Voltage 230 VFrequency ...

5183 RON
Generator monofazat pramac px 3000

Cod producator: PC242SHI009Compliancy certification CEStandby power LTP 3,6 kWRated prime power (PRP) 2,5 kVARated continuous power (COP) 2,27 kVAPhases 1Voltage 230 VFrequency 50 HzBattery charger current n.a.Single-phase maximum power (LTP) ...

3341 RON
D-link dwl-g510

DWL-G510 - D-Link Placa de retea PCI wireless GWireless G PCI Adapter- Compatible with IEEE 802.11b/802.11g (DSSS) 2.4GHz Standard- Autosenses & Adjusts Speed to conditions for Maximum Performance- 64/128/152-Bit Wired ...

Generator monofazat pramac hg3300

Cod producator: PB242SHI002Compliancy certification CEStandby power LTP 3,5 kWRated prime power (PRP) 2,6 kVARated continuous power (COP) 2,37 kVAPhases 1Voltage 230 VFrequency 50 HzBattery charger current n.a.Rated maximum power (LTP) ...

2030 RON
Generator monofazat pramac hg 4000

Cod producator: PB262SHI001Compliancy certification CEStandby power LTP 3,2 kWRated prime power (PRP) 2,66 kVARated continuous power (COP) 2,41 kVAPhases 1Voltage 230 VFrequency 50 HzBattery charger current n.a.Single-phase maximum power (LTP) ...

2080 RON
Generator monofazat pramac c 2000 insonorizat

Cod producator: PC172SHI000Main specificationsCompliancy certification CEStandby power LTP 2,3 kWRated prime power (PRP) 1,93 kVARated continuous power (COP) 1,75 kVAPhases 1Voltage 230 VFrequency 50 HzBattery charger current 10 ASingle-phase maximum ...

3296 RON
Generator monofazat pramac c 3000 insonorizat

Cod producator: PC242SHI000Main specificationsCompliancy certification CEStandby power LTP 3,2 kWRated prime power (PRP) 2,64 kVARated continuous power (COP) 2,4 kVAPhases 1Voltage 230 VFrequency 50 HzBattery charger current 10 ASingle-phase maximum ...

3355 RON
Generator monofazat pramac s3200

Cod producator: PD242SHI000Main specificationsCompliancy certification CEStandby power LTP 3,2 kWRated prime power (PRP) 2,64 kVARated continuous power (COP) 2,4 kVAPhases 1Voltage 230 VFrequency 50 HzBattery charger current n.a.Single-phase maximum power ...

2771 RON
Generator trifazat pramac sp8000 electric

Cod producator: PD682THB000Generator trifazat Pramac SP8000 pornire electrica.Main specificationsCompliancy certification CEStandby power LTP 7,7 kWRated prime power (PRP) 7,43 kVARated continuous power (COP) 6,75 kVAPhases 3 YVoltage 230, 400 VFrequency ...

12983 RON
Generator trifazat pramac sp8000 manual

Cod producator: PD682THI000Generator trifazat Pramac SP8000 pornire manuala.Main specificationsCompliancy certification CEStandby power LTP 7,7 kWRated prime power (PRP) 7,43 kVARated continuous power (COP) 6,75 kVAPhases 3 YVoltage 230, 400 VFrequency ...

11248 RON
Generator trifazat pramac sp12000 electric

Cod producator: PD133THB000Generator trifazat Pramac SP12000 pornire electricaMain specificationsCompliancy certification CEStandby power LTP 12,5 kWRated prime power (PRP) 12,94 kVARated continuous power (COP) 11,76 kVAPhases 3 YVoltage 230, 400 VFrequency ...

19122 RON
Generator monofazat pramac s4500 electric

Cod producator: PD322SYA000Generator monofazat Pramac S4500, diesel, pornire electrica.Main specificationsCompliancy certification CEStandby power LTP 4,8 kWRated prime power (PRP) 3,79 kVARated continuous power (COP) 3,45 kVAPhases 1Voltage 230 VFrequency 50 ...

8238 RON
Generator trifazat pramac s6000 electric

Cod producator: PD482SYA000Generator monofazat, diesel, pornire electrica Pramac S6000Main specificationsCompliancy certification CEStandby power LTP 6,9 kWRated prime power (PRP) 5,5 kVARated continuous power (COP) 4,84 kVAPhases 1Voltage 230 VFrequency 50 ...

10323 RON
Generator monofazat pramac s9000

Cod producator: PD752SRAZ00Generator monofazat, diesel, pornire electrica Pramac S9000Main specificationsCompliancy certification CEStandby power LTP 10 kWRated prime power (PRP) 8,16 kVARated continuous power (COP) 7,55 kVAPhases 1Voltage 230 VFrequency 50 ...

16485 RON
Generator monofazat pramac p12000 insonorizat

Cod producator: PF103SHB000Generator monofazat, benzina, pornire electrica Pramac P12000Main specificationsCompliancy certification CEStandby power LTP 12,5 kWRated prime power (PRP) 11 kVARated continuous power (COP) 10 kVAPhases 1Voltage 230 VFrequency 50 ...

14494 RON

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