what kind of positions are there in taylor pa

Ati cautat what kind of positions are there in taylor pa

Mobila dressing taylor

Mobilier dressing cu usi glisante din mdf sau sticla.Baza la mobilier dressing este un dulap cu accesorii de calitate import Austria, unde noi schimbam numai fronturile de usi.Va oferim mobila de ...

8600 RON
Incuietoare de siguranta pentru cutii tme tme-zm 180°, key removable in both positions

Incuietoare de siguranta pentru cutii TME TME-ZM 180°, key removable in both positions ...

41.11 Ron
2-pin component carrier block; with 2 jumper positions; led (red); 24 vdc; for din-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5; gray

Voltage type 1: DC;Tesiune nominala: 24; VCurent nominal: 0,025; ATotal number of potentials: 1;Numar nivele: 1;Wiring type: Front-entry wiring;Latime: 5 mm / 0.197 inch;Inaltime from upper-edge of DIN-rail: 28.5 mm ...

23.92 Ron
2-pin component carrier block; with 2 jumper positions; led (red); 24 vdc; for din-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5; gray

Voltage type 1: DC;Tesiune nominala: 24; VCurent nominal: 0,025; ATotal number of potentials: 1;Numar nivele: 1;Wiring type: Front-entry wiring;Latime: 5 mm / 0.197 inch;Inaltime from upper-edge of DIN-rail: 28.5 mm ...

23.92 Ron
2-pin carrier terminal block; with 2 jumper positions; for din-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5; gray

Tesiune nominala (III/3): 400; VTensiune nominala de supratensiune (III/3): 6; kVCurent nominal: 16; ALegend (ratings): (III / 3) â?? Overvoltage category III / Pollution degree 3;Numar poli: 2;Total number of ...

6.96 Ron
2-pin disconnect carrier terminal block; with 2 jumper positions; for din-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5; gray

Tesiune nominala (III/3): 400; VTensiune nominala de supratensiune (III/3): 6; kVCurent nominal: 16; ALegend (ratings): (III / 3) â?? Overvoltage category III / Pollution degree 3;Total number of potentials: 1;Numar ...

10.41 Ron
2-pin disconnect carrier terminal block; with shield contact; with 2 jumper positions; for din-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5; 4,00 mm²; gray

Tesiune nominala (III/3): 250; VTensiune nominala de supratensiune (III/3): 4; kVCurent nominal: 16; ALegend (ratings): (III / 3) â?? Overvoltage category III / Pollution degree 3;Total number of potentials: 1;Numar ...

13.10 Ron
1-conductor/1-pin carrier terminal block; with 3 jumper positions; for din-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5; 4 mm²; cage clamp®; 4,00 mm²; gray

Ratings per: IEC/EN 60947-7-1;Tesiune nominala (III/3): 500; VTensiune nominala de supratensiune (III/3): 6; kVCurent nominal: 32; ALegend (ratings): (III / 3) â?? Overvoltage category III / Pollution degree 3;Tehnologie conexiune: ...

5.61 Ron
1-conductor/1-pin component carrier terminal block; with 2 jumper positions; led (red); 24 vdc; for din-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5; 4 mm²; cage clamp®; 4,00 mm²; gray

Voltage type 1: DC;Tesiune nominala: 24; VCurent nominal: 0,025; ATehnologie conexiune: CAGE CLAMP®;Tip actionare: Open Tool Slot;Connectable conductor materials: Copper;Nominal cross-section: 4 mm²;Solid conductor: 0.08 … 4 mm² / 28 ...

24.85 Ron
1-conductor/1-pin component carrier terminal block; with 2 jumper positions; led (red); 24 vdc; for din-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5; 4 mm²; cage clamp®; 4,00 mm²; gray

Voltage type 1: DC;Tesiune nominala: 24; VCurent nominal: 0,025; ATehnologie conexiune: CAGE CLAMP®;Tip actionare: Open Tool Slot;Connectable conductor materials: Copper;Nominal cross-section: 4 mm²;Solid conductor: 0.08 … 4 mm² / 28 ...

24.85 Ron
2-pin component carrier block; with 2 jumper positions; with diode 1n4007; anode, right side; for din-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5; 4 mm²; gray

Tesiune nominala: 250; VReverse voltage: 1.000; VCurent nominal: 0,5; ATotal number of potentials: 1;Numar nivele: 1;Wiring type: Front-entry wiring;Latime: 5 mm / 0.197 inch;Inaltime from upper-edge of DIN-rail: 28,5 mm ...

18.07 Ron
2-pin terminal block for pluggable modules; 10-pole; with 2 jumper positions; with orange separator plate; for din-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5; gray

Tesiune nominala (III/3): 400; VTensiune nominala de supratensiune (III/3): 6; kVCurent nominal: 16; ALegend (ratings): (III / 3) â?? Overvoltage category III / Pollution degree 3;Numar poli: 10;Total number of ...

36.61 Ron
2-pin terminal block for pluggable modules; 8-pole; with 2 jumper positions; with orange separator plate; for din-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5; gray

Tesiune nominala (III/3): 400; VTensiune nominala de supratensiune (III/3): 6; kVCurent nominal: 16; ALegend (ratings): (III / 3) â?? Overvoltage category III / Pollution degree 3;Numar poli: 8;Total number of ...

29.59 Ron
2-pin terminal block for pluggable modules; 6-pole; with 2 jumper positions; with orange separator plate; for din-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5; gray

Tesiune nominala (III/3): 400; VTensiune nominala de supratensiune (III/3): 6; kVCurent nominal: 16; ALegend (ratings): (III / 3) â?? Overvoltage category III / Pollution degree 3;Numar poli: 6;Total number of ...

22.92 Ron
2-pin terminal block for pluggable modules; 4-pole; with 2 jumper positions; with orange separator plate; for din-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5; 4,00 mm²; gray

Tesiune nominala (III/3): 400; VTensiune nominala de supratensiune (III/3): 6; kVCurent nominal: 16; ALegend (ratings): (III / 3) â?? Overvoltage category III / Pollution degree 3;Numar poli: 4;Total number of ...

15.96 Ron
1-conductor/1-pin disconnect carrier terminal block; with shield contact; with 2 jumper positions; for din-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5; 4 mm²; cage clamp®; 4,00 mm²; gray

Tesiune nominala (III/3): 250; VTensiune nominala de supratensiune (III/3): 4; kVCurent nominal: 16; ALegend (ratings): (III / 3) â?? Overvoltage category III / Pollution degree 3;Tehnologie conexiune: CAGE CLAMP®;Tip actionare: ...

13.92 Ron
1-conductor/1-pin terminal block for pluggable modules; 8-pole; with 2 jumper positions; with orange separator plate; for din-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5; 4 mm²; cage clamp®; 4,00 mm²; gray

Tesiune nominala (III/3): 400; VTensiune nominala de supratensiune (III/3): 6; kVCurent nominal: 16; ALegend (ratings): (III / 3) â?? Overvoltage category III / Pollution degree 3;Tehnologie conexiune: CAGE CLAMP®;Tip actionare: ...

33.10 Ron

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