rated power input 550w; noload speed 02700 rpm weight without cable 1.8kg drill spindle connecting thread 43 chuck capacity 1

Ati cautat rated power input 550w; noload speed 02700 rpm weight without cable 1.8kg drill spindle connecting thread 43 chuck capacity 1

Surge protection device type c2-d1 for line ethernet cat. 6 - power over ethernet (poe), rated discharge current in (8/20?s) 10ka

Cod producator Lovato: Surge Protection Device (SPD)Tip produs: SASApplication: Data linesNumber of DIN modules: 1SPD according to IEC/EN 61643-21: DaC2 rated current In 8/20: kA 10D1 impulse current Iimp 10/350: ...

749.30 Ron
Descarcator tip 2 cu cartus, rated discharge current in (8/20ms) 5ka per pole, 1p+n

Cod producator Lovato: Surge Protection Device (SPD)Tip produs: SG2Operating voltage type: ACApplication: AC Power linesNumar de poli: 1P+NNumber of DIN modules: 1SPD according to IEC/EN 61643-11: DaRated operational voltage AC ...

578.95 Ron
Descarcator tip 2 cu cartus, rated discharge current in (8/20ms) 5ka per pole, 2p

Cod producator Lovato: Surge Protection Device (SPD)Tip produs: SG2Operating voltage type: ACApplication: AC Power linesNumar de poli: 2PNumber of DIN modules: 1SPD according to IEC/EN 61643-11: DaRated operational voltage AC ...

549.71 Ron
Descarcator tip 2 cu cartus, rated discharge current in (8/20ms) 20ka per pole, 1p+n

Cod producator Lovato: Surge Protection Device (SPD)Tip produs: SG2Operating voltage type: ACApplication: AC Power linesNumar de poli: 1P+NNumber of DIN modules: 2SPD according to IEC/EN 61643-11: DaRated operational voltage AC ...

725.15 Ron
Descarcator tip 2 cu cartus, rated discharge current in (8/20ms) 20ka per pole, 1p

Cod producator Lovato: Surge Protection Device (SPD)Tip produs: SG2Operating voltage type: ACApplication: AC Power linesNumar de poli: 1PNumber of DIN modules: 1SPD according to IEC/EN 61643-11: DaRated operational voltage AC ...

368.42 Ron
Descarcator tip 2 cu cartus, rated discharge current in (8/20ms) 20ka per pole, 2p

Cod producator Lovato: Surge Protection Device (SPD)Tip produs: SG2Operating voltage type: ACApplication: AC Power linesNumar de poli: 2PNumber of DIN modules: 2SPD according to IEC/EN 61643-11: DaRated operational voltage AC ...

690.06 Ron
Descarcator tip 2 cu cartus, rated discharge current in (8/20ms) 20ka per pole, 3p+n

Cod producator Lovato: Surge Protection Device (SPD)Tip produs: SG2Operating voltage type: ACApplication: AC Power linesNumar de poli: 3P+NNumber of DIN modules: 4SPD according to IEC/EN 61643-11: DaRated operational voltage AC ...

1345.03 Ron
Descarcator tip 2 cu cartus, rated discharge current in (8/20ms) 20ka per pole, 3p

Cod producator Lovato: Surge Protection Device (SPD)Tip produs: SG2Operating voltage type: ACApplication: AC Power linesNumar de poli: 3PNumber of DIN modules: 3SPD according to IEC/EN 61643-11: DaRated operational voltage AC ...

1017.55 Ron
Descarcator tip 2 cu cartus, rated discharge current in (8/20ms) 20ka per pole, 4p

Cod producator Lovato: Surge Protection Device (SPD)Tip produs: SG2Operating voltage type: ACApplication: AC Power linesNumar de poli: 4PNumber of DIN modules: 4SPD according to IEC/EN 61643-11: DaRated operational voltage AC ...

1286.55 Ron
Descarcator tip 2 cu cartus, rated discharge current in (8/20ms) 20ka per pole, 1p+n. cu contact comanda de la distanta

Cod producator Lovato: Surge Protection Device (SPD)Tip produs: SG2Operating voltage type: ACApplication: AC Power linesNumar de poli: 1P+NNumber of DIN modules: 2Relay output: DaSPD according to IEC/EN 61643-11: DaRated operational ...

900.59 Ron
Descarcator tip 2 cu cartus, rated discharge current in (8/20ms) 20ka per pole, 1p. cu contact comanda de la distanta

Cod producator Lovato: Surge Protection Device (SPD)Tip produs: SG2Operating voltage type: ACApplication: AC Power linesNumar de poli: 1PNumber of DIN modules: 1Relay output: DaSPD according to IEC/EN 61643-11: DaRated operational ...

450.29 Ron
Descarcator tip 2 cu cartus, rated discharge current in (8/20ms) 20ka per pole, 2p. cu contact comanda de la distanta

Cod producator Lovato: Surge Protection Device (SPD)Tip produs: SG2Operating voltage type: ACApplication: AC Power linesNumar de poli: 2PNumber of DIN modules: 2Relay output: DaSPD according to IEC/EN 61643-11: DaRated operational ...

853.80 Ron
Descarcator tip 2 cu cartus, rated discharge current in (8/20ms) 20ka per pole, 3p+n. cu contact comanda de la distanta

Cod producator Lovato: Surge Protection Device (SPD)Tip produs: SG2Operating voltage type: ACApplication: AC Power linesNumar de poli: 3P+NNumber of DIN modules: 4Relay output: DaSPD according to IEC/EN 61643-11: DaRated operational ...

1719.30 Ron
Descarcator tip 2 cu cartus, rated discharge current in (8/20ms) 20ka per pole, 3p. cu contact comanda de la distanta

Cod producator Lovato: Surge Protection Device (SPD)Tip produs: SG2Operating voltage type: ACApplication: AC Power linesNumar de poli: 3PNumber of DIN modules: 3Relay output: DaSPD according to IEC/EN 61643-11: DaRated operational ...

1263.16 Ron
Descarcator tip 2 cu cartus, rated discharge current in (8/20ms) 20ka per pole, 4p. cu contact comanda de la distanta

Cod producator Lovato: Surge Protection Device (SPD)Tip produs: SG2Operating voltage type: ACApplication: AC Power linesNumar de poli: 4PNumber of DIN modules: 4Relay output: DaSPD according to IEC/EN 61643-11: DaRated operational ...

1625.73 Ron

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