metal consumer unit 22 mod iss 2p/100a

Ati cautat metal consumer unit 22 mod iss 2p/100a

Selector rotativ - hp- montaj aparent - command - metal box - 100a 3p+n - blocabil black knob - ip66

DATE TEHNICE VersiuneDoza MaterialMetal TipComanda Curent nominal (A)100 IntrerupatorRotary isolator Clasa de protectie IPIP66 Cod IKIK10 (IK08 knob) Temperatura ambianta-25 +60 ‚A°C Lid screws (no. and type)4 metal screws ...

676.61 Ron
Selector rotativ - hp- montaj aparent - command - metal box - 100a 4p - blocabil black knob - ip66

DATE TEHNICE VersiuneDoza MaterialMetal TipComanda Curent nominal (A)100 IntrerupatorRotary isolator Clasa de protectie IPIP66 Cod IKIK10 (IK08 knob) Temperatura ambianta-25 +60 ‚A°C Lid screws (no. and type)4 metal screws ...

737.43 Ron
Tablou modular domo center - kit frontal - metal door - 2 enclosures 40 modules - h.2700 - metal - white ral 9003

Tablou modular DOMO CENTER transforma sistemele de uz casnic in accesorii de mobilier: o solutie de design moderna care se combina cu contextul existent, centralizand si rationalizand serviciile existente - ...

4295.33 Ron
Tabla expandata expanded metal metal deploye

Tabla expandata (expanded metal, metal deploye) - Tabla expandata reprezinta pentru tara noastra un produs relativ nou dar, cu o intrebuintare tot mai mare atat in Europa cit si in ...

Limitator de cursa, k series, top push rod plunger, 1 bottom cable entry. dimensions to en 50047, metal body, contacts 2nc slow break. metal plunger

Descarcator tip 2 pentru aplicatii fotovoltaice WITH PLUG-IN CARTRIDGE, EN SHORT-CIRCUIT CURRENT RATING ISCPV 1000A, +, -, PE. WITHOUT CONTACT REMOTE ...

112.28 Ron

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