masina de tuns gazon husqvarna jet 50

Ati cautat masina de tuns gazon husqvarna jet 50

Masina de tuns gazon viking mb 545 ve

Cod producator: Masinile de tuns iarba de mare putere cu functionare cu benzina, cu reglaj central al înaltimii de taiere sunt usor de pornit si se evidentiaza printr-o constructie aerisita, ...

3549 RON
Masina de tuns gazon viking mb 3 rc

Cod producator: VIKING MB 3 RC, alternativa inteligenta: masina de tuns iarba multifunctionala pentru tuns si împrastierea stratului vegetal peste tot acolo unde iarba nu trebuie colectata.Cu clapeta de evacuare ...

2625 RON
Masina de tuns gazon viking mb 6 rh

Cod producator: Masina de tuns iarba înalta, robusta si manevrabila, cu rotile posterioare mai mari, cu roata libera integrata cu posibilitate de manevrare la 360°. Reglaj central al înaltimii de ...

5057 RON
Masina de tuns gazon wolf garten 2.37 e

Cod producator: 2.37 EThe WOLF-Garten 2.37 E with top equipment belongs to the entry class of electrical lawnmowers. Its compact size and weight of 14 kg makes it light and ...

802 RON
Masina de tuns gazon wolf compact plus 40 b

Cod producator: 40 BTogether with the CCM cutting system, the WOLF-Garten lawnmower Compact plus 40 B represents an innovation for cutting, collecting, and mulching with just one piece of equipment ...

1987 RON
Masina de tuns gazon wolf garten 2.32 e-1

Cod producator: 2.32 E-1The WOLF-Garten 2.32 E-1 with excellent equipment belongs to the entry class of lawnmowers. Its compact size and weight of 12 kg makes it light and manoeuvrable ...

428 RON
Masina de tuns gazon wolf garten 2.40 e-1

Cod producator: 2.40 E-1Thanks to its compact design and a weight of 21 kg, the WOLF-Garten lawnmower 2.40 E-1 is light and manoeuvrable, and occupies minimum space between cuts. It ...

928 RON
Masina de tuns gazon wolf garten c.p 34 e

Cod producator: C.P 34 EMasina de tuns gazon Wolf Garten Compact plus 34 ETogether with the CCM cutting system, the WOLF-Garten lawnmower Compact plus 34 E represents an innovation for ...

802 RON
Masina de tuns gazon wolf garten c.p. 37 e

Cod producator: C.P. 37 EMasina de tuns gazon Wolf Garten Compact plus. 37 ETogether with the CCM cutting system, the WOLF-Garten lawnmower Compact plus 37 E represents an innovation for ...

928 RON
Masina de tuns gazon wolf garten c.p 40 e-1

Cod producator: C.P 40 E-1Together with the CCM cutting system, the WOLF-Garten lawnmower Compact plus 40 E-1 represents an innovation for cutting, collecting, and mulching with just one piece of ...

1394 RON
Masina de tuns gazon wolf garten c.p. 34 ac

Cod producator: C.P. 34 ACTogether with the CCM cutting system, the WOLF-Garten lawnmower Compact plus 34 E represents an innovation for cutting, collecting, and mulching with just one piece of ...

802 RON
Masina de tuns gazon wolf garten tc 32 s

Cod producator: TC 32 SMowing can be quiet and ecologically compatible with the attractively designed 8 kg WOLF-Garten reel push mower. The special reel design with ball bearings and five ...

378 RON
Masina de tuns gazon wolf garten c.p p.e 34 e

Cod producator: E 34 EMasina de tuns gazon Compact plus Power Edition 34 E.Together with the CCM cutting system, the WOLF-Garten lawnmower Compact plus Power Edition 34 E represents an ...

802 RON
Masina de tuns gazon wolf garten tc 38 l

Cod producator: TC 38 LMowing can be quiet and ecologically compatible with the 10 kg WOLF-Garten TC 32 L reel push mower and its attractively designed rims and tyres. The ...

630 RON
Masina de tuns gazon wolf garten tc 38 s

Cod producator: TC 38Mowing can be quiet and ecologically compatible with the attractively designed 9 kg WOLF-Garten reel push mower. The special reel design with ball bearings and five precision-ground ...

420 RON
Masina de tuns gazon bosch rotak 43

Cod producator: 0600881D00- pieptene de gazon inovator pentru taierea în apropierea marginilor;- Highspeed-Bosch-Powerdrive™-Motor;- cuplu enorm, de pana la 23 Nm;- greutate redusa pentru ridicare usoara;- transport comod, datorita mânerelor mari, ...

1151 RON
Masina de tuns gazon bosch rotak 34

Cod producator: 0600881A00- taiere nelimitata pana la margine datorita pieptenelui de gazon inovator;- foarte puternica: putere maxima la cutit gratie motorului Powerdrive™, taie iarba înalta de pâna la 30 cm, ...

735 RON
Masina de tuns gazon bosch rotak 320

Cod producator: 0600885A00- compacta: masina de tuns iarba pentru suprafete de gazon mici si de dimensiuni medii;- foarte puternica: putere maxima la cutit gratie motorului Powerdrive™, taie iarba înalta de ...

454 RON
Masina de tuns gazon gardena 34 e easymove

Cod producator: 04034-20Masina electrica de tuns iarba 34 E EasyMove- masina de tuns iarba manevrabila cu joy-stick si maner pentru o singura mana, taie iarba fara efort;- flexibilitate si manevrabilitate ...

840 RON
Masina de tuns gazon gardena powermax 42 e

Cod producator: 04043-20- masina de tuns gazon puternica si comoda;- power plus: motor cu putere foarte mare cu angrenaj performant, care da rezultate excelente de taiere cu precizie in toate ...

970 RON

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