jocuri tip crime life bucuresti

Ati cautat jocuri tip crime life bucuresti

Rockstar games - grand theft auto: vice city stories (ps2)

Joc PS2 Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, Gen Modern Action/Adventure, Nerecomandat persoanelor sub 18 ani (Violenta intensa/Limbaj neadecvat/Continut sexual puternic/Uz de narcotice), 1 jucator, Rockstar Games/Rockstar Leeds ...

104.21 Ron
Rockstar games - midnight club 3: dub edition remix (ps2)

Joc PS2 Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition Remix, Gen Racing, Nerecomandat persoanelor sub 12 ani (Violenta moderata/Limbaj moderat), Pana la 2 jucatori (8 Online), Video output de 480p, Avand in ...

104.21 Ron
Rockstar games - grand theft auto: liberty city stories (psp)

Joc PSP Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, Gen Modern Action/Adventure, Nerecomandat persoanelor sub 18 ani (Violenta intensa/Limbaj neadecvat/Continut sexual puternic/Uz de narcotice), Pana la 6 jucatori, Rockstar Games/Rockstar Leeds ...

123.74 Ron
Rockstar games - grand theft auto: vice city stories (psp)

Joc PSP Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, Gen Modern Action/Adventure, Nerecomandat persoanelor sub 18 ani (Violenta intensa/Limbaj neadecvat/Continut sexual puternic/Uz de narcotice), 1 jucator, Rockstar Games/Rockstar Leeds ...

123.74 Ron
Sega - the golden compass (pc)

Joc PC The Golden Compass, Gen Fantasy Action/Adventure, Nerecomandat persoanelor sub 3 ani, SEGA Europe/Shiny Entertainment ...

28.06 Ron
Sega - condemned: criminal origins (pc)

Joc PC Condemned: Criminal Origins, Gen Horror Action/Adventure, Nerecomandat persoanelor sub 18 ani (Violenta intensa/Limbaj neadecvat), 1 jucator, SEGA Europe/Monolith Productions ...

35.07 Ron
Sega - sonic riders (pc)

Joc PC Sonic Riders, Gen Racing, Nerecomandat persoanelor sub 3 ani (Violenta animata moderata/Ticalosii comice), Pana la 4 jucatori, SEGA Europe/Sonic Team ...

35.07 Ron
Sega - medieval ii: total war (pc)

Joc PC Medieval II: Total War, Gen Historic Real-Time Strategy, Nerecomandat persoanelor sub 16 ani (Violenta/Limbaj moderat/Teme sexuale/Referinte la alcool si tutun), 1 jucator (8 Online), SEGA Europe/Creative Assembly ...

91.18 Ron
Sega - medieval ii: total war kingdoms (pc)

Joc PC Medieval II: Total War Kingdoms, Gen Historic Real-Time Strategy, Nerecomandat persoanelor sub 16 ani (Violenta/Limbaj moderat/Teme sexuale/Referinte la alcool si tutun), Pana la 2 jucatori (8 Online), Expansiune ...

65.13 Ron
Sega - condemned 2: bloodshot (ps3)

Joc PS3 Condemned 2: Bloodshot, Gen Horror Action/Adventure, Nerecomandat persoanelor sub 18 ani (Violenta intensa/Limbaj neadecvat/Uz de narcotice/Uz de alcool), 1 jucator (8 Online), SEGA Europe/Monolith Productions ...

168.33 Ron
Sega - sega rally aka sega rally revo (ps3)

Joc PS3 SEGA Rally AKA SEGA Rally Revo, Gen Racing, Nerecomandat persoanelor sub 3 ani, 1 jucator (6 Online), SEGA Europe/SEGA Racing Std. ...

138.27 Ron
Sega - sonic the hedgehog (ps3)

Joc PS3 Sonic The Hedgehog, Gen Action (3D Platformer), Nerecomandat persoanelor sub 12 ani (Violenta animata), Pana la 2 jucatori, Video output 720p (Widescreen), SEGA Europe/Sonic Team ...

204.4 Ron
Sega - virtua fighter 5 (ps3)

Joc PS3 Virtua Fighter 5, Gen Action (3D Fighting), Nerecomandat persoanelor sub 16 ani (Violenta/Teme sugestive), Pana la 2 jucatori, Video output 720p (Widescreen), SEGA Europe/SEGA-AM2 ...

144.29 Ron
Sega - sonic rivals (psp)

Joc PSP Sonic Rivals, Gen Action, Nerecomandat persoanelor sub 7 ani, Pana la 2 jucatori, SEGA Europe/Backbone Entertainment ...

117.23 Ron
Vivendi universal games - f.e.a.r. (pc)

Joc PC F.E.A.R., Gen Modern First Person Shooter, Nerecomandat persoanelor sub 18 ani (Violenta intensa/Limbaj neadecvat), 1 jucator (16 Online), Vivendi Universal Games/Monolith ProductionsF.E.A.R. Este un Modern First-Person Shooter, iar ...

49.1 Ron
Vivendi universal games - f.e.a.r.: extraction point (pc)

Joc PC F.E.A.R.: Extraction Point, Gen Modern First Person Shooter, Nerecomandat persoanelor sub 18 ani (Violenta intensa/Limbaj neadecvat), Pana la 16 jucatori, Expansiune la F.E.A.R., Vivendi Universal Games/Monolith Productions/TimeGate Studios ...

35.07 Ron
Thq - company of heroes: opposing fronts (pc)

Joc PC Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts, Gen Real-Time Strategy, Nerecomandat persoanelor sub 18 ani (Violenta), Expansiune la CoH, THQ/Relic Entertainment ...

97.69 Ron
Vivendi universal games - world in conflict (pc)

Joc PC World in Conflict, Gen Real-Time Strategy, Nerecomandat persoanelor sub 16 ani (Violenta/Limbaj), 1 jucator (16 Online), Vivendi Universal Games/Massive Entertainment ...

91.18 Ron
Vivendi universal games - scarface: the world is yours (pc)

Joc PC Scarface: The World is Yours, Gen Modern Action/Adventure, Nerecomandat persoanelor sub 18 ani (Violenta intensa/Limbaj neadecvat/Teme sexuale/Uz de narcotive), Vivendi Universal Games/Radical Entertainment ...

56.11 Ron
Vivendi universal games - caesar iv (pc)

Joc PC Caesar IV, Gen Historic Real-Time Strategy, Nerecomandat persoanelor sub 12 ani (Violenta/Uz de alcool), Pana la 8 jucatori, Vivendi Universal Games/Tilted Mill ...

56.11 Ron

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