
Ati cautat handsfree

Telefon cu 4 cartele sim f160

- Telefon cu 4 SIM - simurile Functioneaza SIMULTAN - tastatura QWERTY - tuner TV, radio, Network & band: GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHz - functioneaza cu orice retea GSM in toata lumea ...

395 ron
Eten - casti bluetooth stereo

*Eten Casti Bluetooth stereo handsfree Eten ...

273.13 Ron
Eten - casti bluetooth g500+/g500/m600+/m600/m500

*Eten Casti stereo handsfree Eten G500+/G500/M600+/M600/M500 ...

99.25 Ron
Eten - casti bluetooth x500/m700

*Eten Casti stereo handsfree Eten X500/M700 ...

99.25 Ron
Qtek - casti stereo 8100

*Qtek Casti stereo handsfree Qtek 8100 ...

75.15 Ron
Qtek - casti stereo 8310/8300

*Qtek Casti stereo handsfree Qtek 8310/8300 ...

75.15 Ron
Qtek - casti stereo 8500

*Qtek Casti stereo handsfree Qtek 8500 ...

75.15 Ron
Qtek - casti stereo 9000

*Qtek Casti stereo handsfree Qtek 9000 ...

75.15 Ron
Qtek - casti stereo 9100/s200

*Qtek Casti stereo handsfree Qtek 9100/S200 ...

75.15 Ron
Qtek - casti stereo s110/s100/8010/8020

*Qtek Casti stereo handsfree Qtek S110/S100/8010/8020 ...

75.15 Ron
Htc - casti bh m200

Casti Bluetooth handsfree HTC BH M200 ...

254.78 Ron
Asus - pna r300-silver (in stoc)

*Asus 3.5"-LCD TouchScreen QVGA - 65K Colours , Asus Full Europe Map, CPU Samsung 400Mhz , Built-in 64 MB RAM ,128MB Flash ROM , Micro SD Card slot (up to ...

744.26 Ron
Asus - pna r300 + igo 2008

Asus 3.5"-LCD TouchScreen QVGA - 65K Colours , CPU Samsung 400Mhz , Built-in 64 MB RAM ,128MB Flash ROM , Micro SD Card slot (up to 4GB) , Bluetooth 2.0 ...

723.1 Ron
Goclever - pna navigator 4330a, bluetooth, full europa

4,3" 480x272 16:9TFT, slim design, Atlas III Centrality, 372MHz,64MB ROM/64MB RAM, Media player, photo and e-book wiever, SD slot up to 2GB, WINCE5.0,stereo audio output WINCE5.0, batt 1600mAh, Bluetooth handsfree ...

595.18 Ron
Nokia - pna 500 europe

500 Auto Navigation Europe, with CR-91, HH-12, DC-10, DKE-2, CP-213 Nokia 500 foloseşte aplicaţia proprietară companiei, Nokia MAPS, aceasta fiind dotată cu hărţile corespunzătoare regiunii unde este comercializat. ...

1399 Ron
Nokia - casca bluetooth bh-703 black (box)

Compatibil cu telefoane ºi dispozitive cu suport pentru Bluetooth versiunile v 2.1, 2.0, 1.2 sau 1.1, profilul Handsfree 1.5 sau 1.0 ºi/sau Headset 1.1 ...

254.36 Ron
Sony ericsson - casca bluetooth hbh-pv702 black (box)

Timpul tãu e preþios Fiind uºoarã ºi durabilã, casca HBH-PV702 e utilã in orice ocazie. Foloseºte-o in maºinã, acasã sau la serviciu. Te vei intreba ce te-ai face fãrã ...

149.39 Ron
Sony ericsson - casti cu fir hpb-20 (bulk)

Simplitatea unei singure piese Accesează-ţi apelurile prin simplitatea acestei soluţii handsfree uşoare şi comode. Acces instantaneu Această soluţie îţi eliberează mâinile, pentru a-ţi gestiona ...

82.75 Ron
Samsung - casca bluetooth wep301 (black) box

Samsung BT Headset * Bluetooth version 2.0 for enhanced data rate, faster pairing and connection, improved call quality and lower power consumption. Also compatible with Bluetooth version 1.2 and 1.1 ...

126.02 Ron
Nokia - casca bluetooth bh-504

Bluetooth Headset, with charger AC-5E, Black-Silver, Stereo, with Carrying Pouch Informatii suplimentare: ...

292.8 Ron

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