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Ati cautat geanta laptop leather ultraportable 14

Crumpler - geanta laptop cheesy chick 13"

Crumpler Geanta pentru Laptop - Cheesy Chick. Diagonala ecran laptop compatibil 12", 13". Culoare disponibila: roadkill red ...

487.99 Ron
Crumpler - geanta laptop fishy slip gri 14"

Crumpler Geanta pentru Laptop - Fishy slip. Diagonala ecran laptop compatibil 12", 13", 14". Culoare disponibila: dk mouse grey / dk red ...

528.99 Ron
Targus - geanta laptop city.gear 15.4"

Geanaa NB Targus Cutygear TCG400-11 [GENBTA063][TCG400] ...

260.92 Ron
Targus - geanta laptop lappac 5 deluxe 15.4"

Geanta NB Targus Clamshell (CL55-12)[GENBTA058] [CL55] ...

282.69 Ron
Targus - geanta laptop blacktop standard 15.4"

Geanta Notebook Targus Standard (CBT300) [GENBTA043] [CBT300] ...

260.92 Ron
Targus - geanta laptop sport skin 15.4"

Targus Geanta Noteboo Targus Sport Skin (TNS100) [GENBTA041] [TNS100] ...

87 Ron
Targus - geanta laptop xl citygear los angeles 17"

XL City.Gear Notebook Case TCG417 Black and Silver Nylon, for notebooks with screens up to 17", Exterior Dimensions 49x39x12cm Interior Dimensions 43x32x5.5cm Max Interior Dimensions 43x32x5.5cm, 1.7kg[TCG417] ...

347.91 Ron
Targus - geanta laptop business roller 15.4"

Capacity: Fits notebooks with up to 15.4” screens and includes  a removable slipcase; Storage: Front zip down workstation with retractable  document holder, removable cell phone/PDA cases, key clip and business ...

434.91 Ron
Targus - geanta laptop getta ladies 15"

Getta Ladies Notecase, Black Nylon TLT029EU, up to 15' screens, Exterior Dimensions 15.87x4.25x13cm, Greutate 0.95kg [TLT029EU] ...

260.92 Ron
Targus - geanta laptop citylite retro 14"

CityLite Retro Notebook Case Colour Black and White, Compatibility 14” notebooks, Exterior Dimensions 43 x 37 x 7 cm, Interior  Dimensions 31 x 26 x 3 cm, Material PVC, Weight ...

142.67 Ron
Acer - geanta laptop toploading bag executive 15"


192.97 Ron
Kensington - geanta laptop contour overnight 17"

Kensington Contour Overnight Roller cu compartimente multiple interioare si exterioare expandabile. Sistem scut de protectie impotriva loviturilor, acces usor la buzunare , 1680 Denier Ballistic-protectie de nylon, ideal pentru ...

392.57 Ron
Kensington - geanta laptop contour balance 15"

Kensingto Contour Balance Notebook Case (Onyx)-up to 15" Geanta de laptop, Air-Flo Contour Panel -ul disipeaza caldura, rezistenta la impact prin sistemul AirBrake, pernuta. Lucioasa si confortabila cu incuietoare ...

199 Ron
Kensington - geanta laptop simply portable 1

Kensington Simply Portable 1 cu acces usor la buzulare, curea pentru umar , grip pentru mana acces facil la buzunare, protectie pentru notebook ...

103.81 Ron
Dicota - geanta laptop basexx universal 15.4"

Dicota N12228P BaseXX Universal 15.4", Notebook Case, dim 410 x 310 x 90 mm, 1.1kg, Mateial Polyester, for notebooks up to 365 x 310 x 50 mm ...

63.69 Ron
Belkin - geanta laptop providence street 15"

Belkin Providence Street Notebook Case for 15" Displays, Ballistic Nylon ...

77.72 Ron
Belkin - geanta laptop stone street 17"

Belkin Stone Street Notebook Case for 17" Displays, Ballistic Nylon ...

157.14 Ron
Belkin - geanta laptop stone street 15"

Belkin Stone Street Notebook Case for 15" Displays, Ballistic Nylon ...

105.27 Ron
Belkin - geanta laptop stone street 14"

Belkin Stone Street Notebook Case for 14" Displays, Ballistic Nylon ...

85.53 Ron

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