gazon rulouri

Ati cautat gazon rulouri

Masina de tuns gazon wolf garten c.p 34 e

Cod producator: C.P 34 EMasina de tuns gazon Wolf Garten Compact plus 34 ETogether with the CCM cutting system, the WOLF-Garten lawnmower Compact plus 34 E represents an innovation for ...

802 RON
Masina de tuns gazon wolf garten c.p. 37 e

Cod producator: C.P. 37 EMasina de tuns gazon Wolf Garten Compact plus. 37 ETogether with the CCM cutting system, the WOLF-Garten lawnmower Compact plus 37 E represents an innovation for ...

928 RON
Masina de tuns gazon wolf garten c.p 40 e-1

Cod producator: C.P 40 E-1Together with the CCM cutting system, the WOLF-Garten lawnmower Compact plus 40 E-1 represents an innovation for cutting, collecting, and mulching with just one piece of ...

1394 RON
Masina de tuns gazon wolf garten c.p. 34 ac

Cod producator: C.P. 34 ACTogether with the CCM cutting system, the WOLF-Garten lawnmower Compact plus 34 E represents an innovation for cutting, collecting, and mulching with just one piece of ...

802 RON
Masina de tuns gazon bosch rotak 43

Cod producator: 0600881D00- pieptene de gazon inovator pentru taierea în apropierea marginilor;- Highspeed-Bosch-Powerdrive™-Motor;- cuplu enorm, de pana la 23 Nm;- greutate redusa pentru ridicare usoara;- transport comod, datorita mânerelor mari, ...

1151 RON
Masina de tuns gazon wolf garten tc 32 s

Cod producator: TC 32 SMowing can be quiet and ecologically compatible with the attractively designed 8 kg WOLF-Garten reel push mower. The special reel design with ball bearings and five ...

378 RON
Masina de tuns gazon wolf garten c.p p.e 34 e

Cod producator: E 34 EMasina de tuns gazon Compact plus Power Edition 34 E.Together with the CCM cutting system, the WOLF-Garten lawnmower Compact plus Power Edition 34 E represents an ...

802 RON
Masina de tuns gazon wolf garten tc 38 l

Cod producator: TC 38 LMowing can be quiet and ecologically compatible with the 10 kg WOLF-Garten TC 32 L reel push mower and its attractively designed rims and tyres. The ...

630 RON
Masina de tuns gazon wolf garten tc 38 s

Cod producator: TC 38Mowing can be quiet and ecologically compatible with the attractively designed 9 kg WOLF-Garten reel push mower. The special reel design with ball bearings and five precision-ground ...

420 RON
Masina de tuns gazon bosch rotak 34

Cod producator: 0600881A00- taiere nelimitata pana la margine datorita pieptenelui de gazon inovator;- foarte puternica: putere maxima la cutit gratie motorului Powerdrive™, taie iarba înalta de pâna la 30 cm, ...

735 RON
Masina de tuns gazon bosch rotak 320

Cod producator: 0600885A00- compacta: masina de tuns iarba pentru suprafete de gazon mici si de dimensiuni medii;- foarte puternica: putere maxima la cutit gratie motorului Powerdrive™, taie iarba înalta de ...

454 RON
Masina de tuns gazon gardena 34 e easymove

Cod producator: 04034-20Masina electrica de tuns iarba 34 E EasyMove- masina de tuns iarba manevrabila cu joy-stick si maner pentru o singura mana, taie iarba fara efort;- flexibilitate si manevrabilitate ...

840 RON
Masina de tuns gazon gardena powermax 42 e

Cod producator: 04043-20- masina de tuns gazon puternica si comoda;- power plus: motor cu putere foarte mare cu angrenaj performant, care da rezultate excelente de taiere cu precizie in toate ...

970 RON
Masina de tuns gazon gardena powermax 32 e

Cod producator: 04033-20- tunde usor orice fel de gazon , nu necesita efort nici atunci cand taie iarba inalta sau umeda;- tehnologia avansata usureaza simtitor munca;- carcasa din plastic rezistent ...

441 RON
Tractor de tuns gazon husqvarna yth180 xp

Cod producator: HusqvarnaYTH180XPTractor de tuns gazon Husqvarna YTH180 XP Motor: Kawasaki V-Twin OHV ...

12499 RON
Tractor de tuns husqvarna gazon cth171

Cod producator: HusqvarnaCTH171 Tractor de tuns Husqvarna gazon CTH171 Motor: Kohler Courage OHV ...

13801 RON
Foarfeca cu acumulator pt margini de gazon accu 60

Cod producator: 08801-20- latime de taiere 8 cm;- numar de baterii reincarcabile: 1 x Li-Ion;- timp de taiere max. 60 min. ;- performanta de taiere max.  1.100 m;- numar reincarcari: ...

280 RON
Foarfeca cu acumulator pt margini de gazon accu 80

Cod producator: 08803-20- latime de taiere 8 cm;- numar de baterii reincarcabile: 1 x Li-Ion;- timp de taiere max. 60 min. ;- performanta de taiere max.  1.100 m;- numar reincarcari: ...

384 RON
Foarfeca cu acumulator pt margini gazon accu 100

Cod producator: 08805-20- latime de taiere 10 cm;- numar de baterii reincarcabile: 3 x Li-Ion;- timp de taiere max. 100 min;- performanta de taiere max.  1.500 m;- numar reincarcari: 1.000 ...

384 RON
Foarfeca de gazon cu acumulator accu twincut

Cod producator: 08830-20- latime de taiere: 20 cm;- ptr. tunderea puternica, fara cablu de alimentare a portiunilor mici de gazon si aranjarea eficienta a marginilor de gazon;- baterii reincarcabile: 3 ...

624 RON

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