essens 18/1 flat downlight alb li161611

Ati cautat essens 18/1 flat downlight alb li161611

Spot aixlight flat i,gu10,crom/negru

Spot interior Dulie:GU10 NU contine sursa de iluminat Material:Otel Putere 75 W W / H / D : 20.5 / 20.5 / ...

339.82 Ron
Spot aixlight flat ii,gu10,crom/negru

Spot interior Dulie:GU10 NU contine sursa de iluminat Material:Otel Putere 2x75 W W / H / D : 39 / 21 / ...

600.82 Ron
Ardezie rock face flat olive green

De ce construim fatade, pereti, stalpi si garduri din piatra naturalaFolosirea pietrei naturale pentru executia fatadelor si a peretilor prezinta avantaje pe care niciun alt material nu le ofera:- proprietati ...

Insulating tape for flat cable; 3-pole; black

Culoare: black;Material izolator: Polyamide 66 (PA 66);Greutate: 31,5; gProcessing temperature: -5 … +40 °C;Continuous operating temperature: -35 … +85 °C;Note on continuous operating temperature: Insulating parts for temperatures ? 105 ...

40.53 Ron
Supply module; for flat cable; 5 x 16 mm²; 5-pole; 16,00 mm²; black

Note on Contact Resistance: approx. 1 mâ?¦ of contact resistanceâ?© approx. 0.25 mâ?¦ contact transition plug/socket;Ratings per: IEC/EN 60664-1;Tesiune nominala (III/3): 690; VTensiune nominala de supratensiune (III/3): 8; kVCurent nominal: ...

630.41 Ron
Supply module; for flat cable; 5 x 2.5 mm² + 2 x 1.5 mm²; 2-pole; gray

Note on Contact Resistance: approx. 1 mâ?¦ of contact resistanceâ?© approx. 0.25 mâ?¦ contact transition plug/socket;Ratings per: IEC/EN 60664-1;Tesiune nominala (III/3): 50; VTensiune nominala de supratensiune (III/3): 0,8; kVCurent nominal: ...

90.06 Ron
Supply module; for flat cable; 2-pole; black

Note on Contact Resistance: approx. 1 mâ?¦ of contact resistanceâ?© approx. 0.25 mâ?¦ contact transition plug/socket;Ratings per: IEC/EN 60664-1;Tesiune nominala (III/3): 50; VTensiune nominala de supratensiune (III/3): 0,8; kVCurent nominal: ...

81.58 Ron
Flat cable; 5g 16 mm²; halogen-free; 3l + n + pe; 0.6/1 kv; 16,00 mm²; light gray

Legend (ratings): (III / 3) â?? Overvoltage category III / Pollution degree 3;Culoare: light gray;Material izolator: Polyamide 66 (PA 66);Fire load: 10,62; MJGreutate: 1319; gProcessing temperature: -5 … +40 °C;Continuous ...

226.08 Ron
Flat cable; 5g 2.5 mm² + 2 x 1.5 mm²; halogen-free; 3l + n + pe + 2 buses; 0.6/1 kv; 2,50 mm²; violet

Legend (ratings): (III / 3) â?? Overvoltage category III / Pollution degree 3;Culoare: violet;Material izolator: Polyamide 66 (PA 66);Fire class per EN 50575: Cca;Fire load: 30; MJGreutate: 400; gProcessing temperature: ...

72.46 Ron
Flat cable; 5g 10 mm²; halogen-free; 3l + n + pe; 0.6/1 kv; 10,00 mm²; light gray

Legend (ratings): (III / 3) â?? Overvoltage category III / Pollution degree 3;Culoare: light gray;Material izolator: Polyamide 66 (PA 66);Fire class per EN 50575: Cca;Fire load: 6,624; MJGreutate: 845; gProcessing ...

159.06 Ron
Flat cable end cover; 3-pole; plastic; transparent

Suitable: for flat cable 3 x 2.5 mm²;Culoare: transparent;Material izolator: Polyamide 66 (PA 66);Flammability class per UL94: V0;Fire load: 0,18; MJGreutate: 6,5; gProcessing temperature: -5 … +40 °C;Continuous operating temperature: ...

13.92 Ron
Supply module; for flat cable; 3 x 2.5 mm²; 3-pole; gray

Note on Contact Resistance: approx. 1 mâ?¦ of contact resistanceâ?© approx. 0.25 mâ?¦ contact transition plug/socket;Ratings per: IEC/EN 60664-1;Tesiune nominala (III/3): 250; VTensiune nominala de supratensiune (III/3): 4; kVCurent nominal: ...

75.79 Ron
Dell - e-series flat panel monitor stand

Dell Port Replicator : E-Series Flat Panel Monitor Stand (Kit) Make the most of your valuable workspace with this Basic Monitor Stand from Dell. Easily adjust the height and position ...

453.63 Ron
Baterie de bucatarie franke planar arco flat

Cod producator: 0737895Robinetele Franke garanteaza:- reglajul perfect al fluxului de apa si al temperaturii (cartus cu placute ceramice)- silentiozitate si fiabilitateManerul tip "Clinic", o solutie inovatoare Franke, permite actionarea robinetului ...

4754 RON
Aixlight pro flat cadru mic 2 rotund montare negru

Lungime 325,00mm L??ime net? 155,00mm În?l?ime 120,00mm Mas? ...

548.82 RON
Aixlight pro flat rotund cadru 2 montare argintiu

Lungime 350,00mm L??ime net? 175,00mm În?l?ime 125,00mm Mas? ...

260.60 RON

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