cutit chef 13cm selection

Ati cautat cutit chef 13cm selection

Cuptor semiprofesional de pizza al forno produzione grand chef 92

Cuptor semiprofesional Al Forno Produzione Grand Chef 92 - Design-ul atractiv, accesul facil si suprafata mare de lucru, ofera acestui cuptor absolut toate dotarile necesare astfel incat chiar si cineva ...

650 EURO
Cuptor semiprofesional de pizza al forno produzione grand chef 100

Cuptor semiprofesional Al Forno Produzione Grand Chef 100 - Design-ul atractiv, accesul facil si suprafata mare de lucru, ofera acestui cuptor absolut toate dotarile necesare astfel incat chiar si cineva ...

850 EURO
Tigaie cu interior anti-aderent tefal daily chef, diametru 24 cm, inductie

Thermo-Spot-ul Tefal se transforma in rosu solid atunci cand esti gata de gatit. Totul are un gust bun la temperatura ideala de start - Thermo-Spot indica temperatura ideala cand poti ...

159.99 RON
Booster pliabil chef galben - bbjpb070_4 bbjpb070_4

Scaunele pliabile pentru masa  Un booster pliabil rezistent, stabil si colorat. Este gata de ...

168 RON
Booster pliabil chef portocaliu - bbjpb070_3 bbjpb070_3

Scaunele pliabile pentru masa  Un booster pliabil rezistent, stabil si colorat. Este gata de ...

168 RON
Booster pliabil chef verde - bbjpb070_2 bbjpb070_2

Scaunele pliabile de copii pentru masa  Un booster pliabil rezistent, stabil si colorat. Este ...

168 RON
Booster pliabil chef albastru - bbjpb070_1 bbjpb070_1

Scaunele pliabile de copii pentru masa  Un booster pliabil rezistent, stabil si colorat. Este ...

168 RON
Booster pliabil chef rosu - bbjpb070 bbjpb070

Scaunele pliabile de copii pentru masa  Un booster pliabil rezistent, stabil si colorat. Este ...

168 RON
Three-phase to single-phase distribution connector; with phase selection; 5-pole/3-pole; cod. a; 1 input; 5 outputs; black

Note on Contact Resistance: approx. 1 mâ?¦ of contact resistanceâ?© approx. 0.25 mâ?¦ contact transition plug/socket;Ratings per: IEC/EN 60664-1;Tesiune nominala (III/3): 400; VTensiune nominala de supratensiune (III/3): 6; kVCurent nominal: ...

118.07 Ron
Three-phase to single-phase distribution connector; with phase selection; 5-pole/3-pole; cod. a; 1 input; 5 outputs; white

Note on Contact Resistance: approx. 1 mâ?¦ of contact resistanceâ?© approx. 0.25 mâ?¦ contact transition plug/socket;Ratings per: IEC/EN 60664-1;Tesiune nominala (III/3): 400; VTensiune nominala de supratensiune (III/3): 6; kVCurent nominal: ...

118.07 Ron
Three-phase to single-phase distribution connector; with phase selection; 5-pole/3-pole; cod. p; 1 input; 5 outputs

Note on Contact Resistance: approx. 1 mâ?¦ of contact resistanceâ?© approx. 0.25 mâ?¦ contact transition plug/socket;Ratings per: IEC/EN 60664-1;Tesiune nominala (III/3): 400; VTensiune nominala de supratensiune (III/3): 6; kVCurent nominal: ...

135.67 Ron
Booster pliabil chef mov - bbjpb070_5 bbjpb070_5

Scaunele pliabile pentru masa Booster Chef Mov  Un booster pliabil rezistent, stabil si colorat. Este gata ...

168 RON
Booster pliabil chef mov - bbjbpb070_3 bbjbpb070_3

Scaunel pliabil pentru masa  Un booster pliabil rezistent, stabil si colorat. Este gata de ...

168 RON
Three-phase to single-phase distribution connector; with phase selection; 5-pole/3-pole; cod. a; 1 input; 2 outputs; with cable connection on the input side; black

Note on Contact Resistance: approx. 1 mâ?¦ of contact resistanceâ?© approx. 0.25 mâ?¦ contact transition plug/socket;Ratings per: IEC/EN 60664-1;Tesiune nominala (III/3): 400; VTensiune nominala de supratensiune (III/3): 6; kVCurent nominal: ...

75.44 Ron
Three-phase to single-phase distribution connector; with phase selection; 5-pole/3-pole; cod. a; 1 input; 2 outputs; with cable connection on the input side; black

Note on Contact Resistance: approx. 1 mâ?¦ of contact resistanceâ?© approx. 0.25 mâ?¦ contact transition plug/socket;Ratings per: IEC/EN 60664-1;Tesiune nominala (III/3): 400; VTensiune nominala de supratensiune (III/3): 6; kVCurent nominal: ...

75.44 Ron

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