cum impleteste cablul otelit fire3f

Ati cautat cum impleteste cablul otelit fire3f

Nylon cable glandnd - metric pitch m50 - gri deschis ral 7035 - ip68

Aceasta gama cuprinde conectori multipolari de la 3 la 216 poli, ideali pentru conectarea circuitelor de putere, a circuitelor de comanda si a circuitelor de semnal.Conectorii sunt realizati din tehnopolimer ...

12.92 Ron
Limitator de cursa, k series, top push rod plunger, 1 bottom cable entry. dimensions to en 50047, plastic body, contacts 1no+2nc slow break. metal plunger

Descarcator tip 2 pentru aplicatii fotovoltaice WITH PLUG-IN CARTRIDGE, EN SHORT-CIRCUIT CURRENT RATING ISCPV 100A, +, -, PE. WITHOUT CONTACT REMOTE ...

116.14 Ron
Limitator de cursa, k series, top push rod plunger, 1 bottom cable entry. dimensions to en 50047, plastic body, contacts 2no slow break. metal plunger

Descarcator tip 2 pentru aplicatii fotovoltaice WITH PLUG-IN CARTRIDGE, EN SHORT-CIRCUIT CURRENT RATING ISCPV 100A, +, -, PE. Cu contact comanda de la distanta ...

84.62 Ron
Limitator de cursa, k series, top push rod plunger, 1 bottom cable entry. dimensions to en 50047, plastic body, contacts 2no+1nc slow break. metal plunger

Descarcator tip 2 pentru aplicatii fotovoltaice WITH PLUG-IN CARTRIDGE, EN SHORT-CIRCUIT CURRENT RATING ISCPV 1000A, +, -, PE. WITHOUT CONTACT REMOTE ...

116.14 Ron
Limitator de cursa, k series, top push rod plunger, 1 bottom cable entry. dimensions to en 50047, plastic body, contacts 2nc snap action. metal plunger

Descarcator tip 2 pentru aplicatii fotovoltaice WITH PLUG-IN CARTRIDGE, EN SHORT-CIRCUIT CURRENT RATING ISCPV 1000A, +, -, PE. WITHOUT CONTACT REMOTE ...

109.18 Ron
Limitator de cursa, k series, top push rod plunger, 1 bottom cable entry. dimensions to en 50047, plastic body, contacts 1no+1nc snap action. metal plunger

Descarcator tip 2 pentru aplicatii fotovoltaice WITH PLUG-IN CARTRIDGE, EN SHORT-CIRCUIT CURRENT RATING ISCPV 1000A, +, -, PE. WITHOUT CONTACT REMOTE ...

84.62 Ron
Limitator de cursa, k series, top push rod plunger, 1 bottom cable entry. dimensions to en 50047, metal body, contacts 1no+1nc slow break make before break. metal plunger

Descarcator tip 2 pentru aplicatii fotovoltaice WITH PLUG-IN CARTRIDGE, EN SHORT-CIRCUIT CURRENT RATING ISCPV 1000A, +, -, PE. WITHOUT CONTACT REMOTE ...

106.32 Ron
Limitator de cursa, k series, top push rod plunger, 1 bottom cable entry. dimensions to en 50047, metal body, contacts 2nc slow break. metal plunger

Descarcator tip 2 pentru aplicatii fotovoltaice WITH PLUG-IN CARTRIDGE, EN SHORT-CIRCUIT CURRENT RATING ISCPV 1000A, +, -, PE. WITHOUT CONTACT REMOTE ...

112.28 Ron

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