comutator cu came rotativ cu fixare pe panou 32a ip66 3 poli

Ati cautat comutator cu came rotativ cu fixare pe panou 32a ip66 3 poli

Selector rotativ - hp- montaj aparent - command - metal box - 16a 4p - blocabil black knob - ip66

DATE TEHNICE VersiuneDoza MaterialMetal TipComanda Curent nominal (A)16 IntrerupatorRotary isolator Clasa de protectie IPIP66 Cod IKIK10 (IK08 knob) Temperatura ambianta-25 +60 ‚A°C Lid screws (no. and type)4 metal screws ...

199.59 Ron
Selector rotativ - hp- montaj aparent - command - metal box - 25a 2p - blocabil black knob - ip66

DATE TEHNICE VersiuneDoza MaterialMetal TipComanda Curent nominal (A)25 IntrerupatorRotary isolator Clasa de protectie IPIP66 Cod IKIK10 (IK08 knob) Temperatura ambianta-25 +60 ‚A°C Lid screws (no. and type)4 metal screws ...

193.86 Ron
Selector rotativ - hp- montaj aparent - command - metal box - 25a 3p - blocabil black knob - ip66

DATE TEHNICE VersiuneDoza MaterialMetal TipComanda Curent nominal (A)25 IntrerupatorRotary isolator Clasa de protectie IPIP66 Cod IKIK10 (IK08 knob) Temperatura ambianta-25 +60 ‚A°C Lid screws (no. and type)4 metal screws ...

199.59 Ron
Selector rotativ - hp- montaj aparent - command - metal box - 25a 3p+n - blocabil black knob - ip66

DATE TEHNICE VersiuneDoza MaterialMetal TipComanda Curent nominal (A)25 IntrerupatorRotary isolator Clasa de protectie IPIP66 Cod IKIK10 (IK08 knob) Temperatura ambianta-25 +60 ‚A°C Lid screws (no. and type)4 metal screws ...

200.70 Ron
Selector rotativ - hp- montaj aparent - command - metal box - 25a 4p - blocabil black knob - ip66

DATE TEHNICE VersiuneDoza MaterialMetal TipComanda Curent nominal (A)25 IntrerupatorRotary isolator Clasa de protectie IPIP66 Cod IKIK10 (IK08 knob) Temperatura ambianta-25 +60 ‚A°C Lid screws (no. and type)4 metal screws ...

204.91 Ron
Selector rotativ - hp- montaj aparent - command - metal box - 32a 2p - blocabil black knob - ip66

DATE TEHNICE VersiuneDoza MaterialMetal TipComanda Curent nominal (A)32 IntrerupatorRotary isolator Clasa de protectie IPIP66 Cod IKIK10 (IK08 knob) Temperatura ambianta-25 +60 ‚A°C Lid screws (no. and type)4 metal screws ...

198.83 Ron
Selector rotativ - hp- montaj aparent - command - metal box - 32a 3p - blocabil black knob - ip66

DATE TEHNICE VersiuneDoza MaterialMetal TipComanda Curent nominal (A)32 IntrerupatorRotary isolator Clasa de protectie IPIP66 Cod IKIK10 (IK08 knob) Temperatura ambianta-25 +60 ‚A°C Lid screws (no. and type)4 metal screws ...

203.74 Ron
Selector rotativ - hp- montaj aparent - command - metal box - 32a 3p+n - blocabil black knob - ip66

DATE TEHNICE VersiuneDoza MaterialMetal TipComanda Curent nominal (A)32 IntrerupatorRotary isolator Clasa de protectie IPIP66 Cod IKIK10 (IK08 knob) Temperatura ambianta-25 +60 ‚A°C Lid screws (no. and type)4 metal screws ...

205.26 Ron
Selector rotativ - hp- montaj aparent - command - metal box - 32a 4p - blocabil black knob - ip66

DATE TEHNICE VersiuneDoza MaterialMetal TipComanda Curent nominal (A)32 IntrerupatorRotary isolator Clasa de protectie IPIP66 Cod IKIK10 (IK08 knob) Temperatura ambianta-25 +60 ‚A°C Lid screws (no. and type)4 metal screws ...

209.06 Ron
Selector rotativ - hp- montaj aparent - command - metal box - 40a 2p - blocabil black knob - ip66

DATE TEHNICE VersiuneDoza MaterialMetal TipComanda Curent nominal (A)40 IntrerupatorRotary isolator Clasa de protectie IPIP66 Cod IKIK10 (IK08 knob) Temperatura ambianta-25 +60 ‚A°C Lid screws (no. and type)4 metal screws ...

237.95 Ron
Selector rotativ - hp- montaj aparent - command - metal box - 40a 3p - blocabil black knob - ip66

DATE TEHNICE VersiuneDoza MaterialMetal TipComanda Curent nominal (A)40 IntrerupatorRotary isolator Clasa de protectie IPIP66 Cod IKIK10 (IK08 knob) Temperatura ambianta-25 +60 ‚A°C Lid screws (no. and type)4 metal screws ...

244.44 Ron
Selector rotativ - hp- montaj aparent - command - metal box - 40a 3p+n - blocabil black knob - ip66

DATE TEHNICE VersiuneDoza MaterialMetal TipComanda Curent nominal (A)40 IntrerupatorRotary isolator Clasa de protectie IPIP66 Cod IKIK10 (IK08 knob) Temperatura ambianta-25 +60 ‚A°C Lid screws (no. and type)4 metal screws ...

246.32 Ron
Selector rotativ - hp- montaj aparent - command - metal box - 40a 4p - blocabil black knob - ip66

DATE TEHNICE VersiuneDoza MaterialMetal TipComanda Curent nominal (A)40 IntrerupatorRotary isolator Clasa de protectie IPIP66 Cod IKIK10 (IK08 knob) Temperatura ambianta-25 +60 ‚A°C Lid screws (no. and type)4 metal screws ...

250.88 Ron
Selector rotativ - hp- montaj aparent - command - metal box - 63a 3p - blocabil black knob - ip66

DATE TEHNICE VersiuneDoza MaterialMetal TipComanda Curent nominal (A)63 IntrerupatorRotary isolator Clasa de protectie IPIP66 Cod IKIK10 (IK08 knob) Temperatura ambianta-25 +60 ‚A°C Lid screws (no. and type)4 metal screws ...

395.32 Ron

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