cage lustra 1xe27 negru

Ati cautat cage lustra 1xe27 negru

Cage lustra 1xe27 negru

Model CAGE Dulie E27 Numar de becuri 1 Include sursa de iluminat Nu Culoarea corpului Negru Grad de protectie IP20 Dimensiuni (mm) W:200/H:1000 ...

106.20 Ron
Pendul bell cage 6847bk negru mat e27 60w

Pendul Bell Cage 6847BK negru mat E27 60W Dulie E27 Lungime 1020 mm Latime 140 mm ...

241.16 RON
Pendul tapered cage 6836bk negru mat e27 60w

Pendul Tapered Cage 6836BK negru mat E27 60W Dulie E27 Lungime 1010 mm Latime 140 mm ...

241.16 RON
Pendul dome cage 8541cu negru cupru e27 60w

Pendul Dome Cage 8541CU negru cupru E27 60W Dulie E27 Lungime 1380 mm Latime 300 mm ...

275.15 RON
Pendul dome cage 8541go negru auriu e27 60w

Pendul Dome Cage 8541GO negru auriu E27 60W Dulie E27 Lungime 1380 mm Latime 300 mm ...

275.15 RON
Pendul dome cage 8541si negru argint e27 60w

Pendul Dome Cage 8541SI negru argint E27 60W Dulie E27 Lungime 1380 mm Latime 300 mm ...

275.15 RON
3-conductor through terminal block; with lever and push-in cage clamp®; 10 mm²; with test port; side and center marking; for din-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5; push-in cage clamp®; 10,00 mm²; gray

Ratings per: IEC/EN 60947-7-1;Tesiune nominala (III/3): 800; VTensiune nominala de supratensiune (III/3): 8; kVCurent nominal: 57; ACurent nominal 2: 74; ALegend (ratings): (III / 3) â?? Overvoltage category III / ...

22.28 Ron
2-conductor through terminal block; with lever and push-in cage clamp®; 6 mm²; with test port; side and center marking; for din-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5; push-in cage clamp®; 6,00 mm²; gray

Ratings per: IEC/EN 60947-7-1;Tesiune nominala (III/3): 800; VTensiune nominala de supratensiune (III/3): 8; kVCurent nominal: 41; ACurent nominal 2: 55; ALegend (ratings): (III / 3) â?? Overvoltage category III / ...

10.88 Ron
2-conductor through terminal block; with lever and push-in cage clamp®; 16 mm²; with test port; side and center marking; for din-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5; push-in cage clamp®; 16,00 mm²; gray

Ratings per: IEC/EN 60947-7-1;Tesiune nominala (III/3): 800; VTensiune nominala de supratensiune (III/3): 8; kVCurent nominal: 76; ACurent nominal 2: 90; ALegend (ratings): (III / 3) â?? Overvoltage category III / ...

17.08 Ron
3-conductor through terminal block; with lever and push-in cage clamp®; 16 mm²; with test port; side and center marking; for din-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5; push-in cage clamp®; 16,00 mm²; gray

Ratings per: IEC/EN 60947-7-1;Tesiune nominala (III/3): 800; VTensiune nominala de supratensiune (III/3): 8; kVCurent nominal: 76; ACurent nominal 2: 90; ALegend (ratings): (III / 3) â?? Overvoltage category III / ...

27.78 Ron
2-conductor through terminal block; with lever and push-in cage clamp®; 10 mm²; with test port; side and center marking; for din-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5; push-in cage clamp®; 10,00 mm²; gray

Ratings per: IEC/EN 60947-7-1;Tesiune nominala (III/3): 800; VTensiune nominala de supratensiune (III/3): 8; kVCurent nominal: 57; ACurent nominal 2: 74; ALegend (ratings): (III / 3) â?? Overvoltage category III / ...

13.80 Ron
2-conductor through terminal block; with lever and push-in cage clamp®; 10 mm²; with test port; suitable for ex i applications; side and center marking; for din-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5; push-in cage clamp®; 10,00 mm²; blue

Ratings per: IEC/EN 60947-7-1;Tesiune nominala (III/3): 800; VTensiune nominala de supratensiune (III/3): 8; kVCurent nominal: 57; ACurent nominal 2: 74; ALegend (ratings): (III / 3) â?? Overvoltage category III / ...

14.33 Ron
3-conductor through terminal block; with lever and push-in cage clamp®; 10 mm²; with test port; suitable for ex i applications; side and center marking; for din-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5; push-in cage clamp®; 10,00 mm²; blue

Ratings per: IEC/EN 60947-7-1;Tesiune nominala (III/3): 800; VTensiune nominala de supratensiune (III/3): 8; kVCurent nominal: 57; ACurent nominal 2: 74; ALegend (ratings): (III / 3) â?? Overvoltage category III / ...

22.81 Ron
3-conductor through terminal block; with lever and push-in cage clamp®; 2.5 mm²; with test port; suitable for ex i applications; side and center marking; for din-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5; push-in cage clamp®; 2,50 mm²; blue

Ratings per: IEC/EN 60947-7-1;Tesiune nominala (III/3): 800; VTensiune nominala de supratensiune (III/3): 8; kVCurent nominal: 24; ACurent nominal 2: 30; ALegend (ratings): (III / 3) â?? Overvoltage category III / ...

7.31 Ron
3-conductor through terminal block; with lever and push-in cage clamp®; 16 mm²; with test port; suitable for ex i applications; side and center marking; for din-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5; push-in cage clamp®; 16,00 mm²; blue

Ratings per: IEC/EN 60947-7-1;Tesiune nominala (III/3): 800; VTensiune nominala de supratensiune (III/3): 8; kVCurent nominal: 76; ACurent nominal 2: 90; ALegend (ratings): (III / 3) â?? Overvoltage category III / ...

28.48 Ron
Distribution terminal block; 10 mm²; lateral marker slots; for din-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5; screw-type and cage clamp®connection; 3 x cage clamp® connection 10 mm²; 1 x screw-clamp connection 35 mm²; 10,00 mm²; gray

Tesiune nominala (III/3): 800; VTensiune nominala de supratensiune (III/3): 8; kVCurent nominal: 125; ALegend (ratings): (III / 3) â?? Overvoltage category III / Pollution degree 3;Tehnologie conexiune: CAGE CLAMP®;Number of ...

71.64 Ron
Distribution terminal block; 10 mm²; lateral marker slots; for din-rail 35 x 15 and 35 x 7.5; screw-type and cage clamp®connection; 3 x cage clamp® connection 10 mm²; 1 x screw-clamp connection 35 mm²; 10,00 mm²; blue

Tesiune nominala (III/3): 800; VTensiune nominala de supratensiune (III/3): 8; kVCurent nominal: 125; ALegend (ratings): (III / 3) â?? Overvoltage category III / Pollution degree 3;Tehnologie conexiune: CAGE CLAMP®;Number of ...

71.64 Ron
Hp - pci-x/pci-e riser cage kit

HP PCI-X/PCI-E NHP 380G5/385G2 Riser [410570B21] ...

435.41 Ron
Pendul cage plat, 1 bec, dulie e27, d:190 mm, h:300/1600 mm, alb

Corp de iluminat suspendat, cu abajurul si cadrul invelit in email de culoare alba. Cablu electric reglabil in lungime. Pendulul este dotat cu 1 bec (neinclus), cu soclu de tip ...

233.92 Ron
Pendul cage rotund, 1 bec, dulie e27, d:155 mm, h:450/1700 mm, alb

Corp de iluminat suspendat, cu abajurul si cadrul invelit in email de culoare alba. Cablu electric reglabil in lungime. Pendulul este dotat cu 1 bec (neinclus), cu soclu de tip ...

233.92 Ron

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