spot pardoseala iodura metalica 150w stellar

Ati cautat spot pardoseala iodura metalica 150w stellar

Spot pardoseala, iodura metalica 150w neechipat corp de iluminat

Spot pardoseala, iodura metalica 150W neechipat Soclu bec R7s , tip bec MH-7 Corp din aluminiu ,sticla tratata . Grad de protectie IP67 ...

138.31 RON
Spot pardoseala, iodura metalica 70w neechipat corp de iluminat

Spot pardoseala, iodura metalica, 70W, neechipat Soclu bec R7s, tip bec MH-7 Corp din aluminiu ,sticla tratata. Grad de protectie: IP67 ...

119.81 RON
Spot pardoseala stellar, 150w, corp de iluminat

Spot pardoseala Stellar, 150W, Corp de iluminat Soclu bec R7s, tip bec MH-7 Corp din aluminiu ,sticla tratata. Grad de protectie: IP67 Culoare: nichel satinat Balast: magnetic Stellar ...

270.02 RON
Spot pardoseala schwabe, 150w, corp de iluminat

Spot pardoseala Schwabe, 150W, Corp de iluminat Soclu bec R7s, tip bec MH-7 Corp din aluminiu ,sticla tratata. Grad de protectie: IP67 Culoare: nichel satinat Balast: magnetic Schwabe ...

408.21 RON
Spot downlight gl208, max 150w, alb, d - 225, stellar

Spot downlight GL208, StellarMaterial- sticla, aluminiu, otelCuloare - albDimensiuni 225 mm/110 mm/210 mmTensiune 230 V, grad de protectie IP 20Putere max. 150 WSursa iluminat MH-7, soclu R7s ...

42.11 Ron
Spot downlight gl212, max. 150w, alb, d- 230/150 mm, stellar

Spot downlight GL212, StellarMaterial - sticla, aluminiu, otelCuloare - albDimensiuni - 230/150 mm /123 mm/ 215/125 mmTensiune 230 V, grad de protectie IP 20Putere max 150 WSursa iluminat MH-7, soclu ...

60.47 Ron
Spot downlight gl208, max 150w, crom, d - 225, stellar

Spot downlight GL208, StellarMaterial- sticla, aluminiu, otelCuloare - cromDimensiuni 225 mm/110 mm/210 mmTensiune 230 V, grad de protectie IP 20Putere max. 150 WSursa iluminat MH-7, soclu R7s ...

53.39 Ron
Spot pardoseala stellar, 70w, corp de iluminat

Spot pardoseala Stellar, 70W, Corp de iluminat Soclu bec R7s, tip bec MH-7 Corp din aluminiu ,sticla tratata. Grad de protectie: IP67 Culoare: nichel satinat Balast: magnetic Stellar ...

345.54 RON
Spot downlight gl212, max. 150w, satin nichel, d- 230/150 mm, stellar

Spot downlight GL212, StellarMaterial - sticla, aluminiu, otelCuloare - satin nichelDimensiuni - 230/150 mm /123 mm/ 215/125 mmTensiune 230 V, grad de protectie IP 20Putere max 150 WSursa iluminat MH-7, ...

73.04 Ron
Spot pardoseala ip66 max 50w stellar corp de iluminat

Spot de pardoseala etans Grad de protectie IP66 Putere max 50w Dulie bec Mr16 Tensiune 230 V Se poate chipa cu bec halogen sau led cu ...

68.62 RON
Spot pardoseala ip66 max 50w gu10 stellar corp de iluminat

Spot de pardoseala etans Grad de protectie IP66 Putere max 50w Dulie bec GU10 Tensiune 230 V Se poate chipa cu bec halogen sau led cu ...

68.62 RON
Sdl hqi-spot, 150w, with 3-phase adapter, alb

Spot pe sinaPutere150WSoclu:Rx7sBecul/Lampa nu este inclus/aBalast inclusMaterial: aluminiuL / W / H:39/25/10cmUtilizari:spatii comerciale,vitrine ,galerii de arta,muzee,showroom,etc ...

1242.52 Ron
Sdl hqi-spot, 150w, with 3-phase adapter, gri

Spot pe sinaPutere150WSoclu:Rx7sBecul/Lampa nu este inclus/aBalast inclusMaterial: aluminiuL / W / H:39/25/10cmUtilizari:spatii comerciale,vitrine ,galerii de arta,muzee,showroom,etc ...

1242.52 Ron
Spot essens,150w,rx7s,alb

Spot Soclu:Rx7s Material: sticla/aluminiu Putere:150 W Balast electronic nu este inclus. Sursa de iluminat nu este inclusa. ...

218.89 Ron
Spot essens,150w,rx7s,gri

Spot Soclu:Rx7s Material: sticla/aluminiu Putere:150 W Balast electronic nu este inclus. Sursa de iluminat nu este inclusa. ...

218.89 Ron
Spot sdl hqi 150w cu 3-phase adaptor alb

Lungime 390,00mm L??ime net? 250,00mm În?l?ime 100,00mm Mas? ...

1183.75 RON
Spot sdl hqi 150w cu 3-phase adaptor gri argintiu

Lungime 390,00mm L??ime net? 250,00mm În?l?ime 100,00mm Mas? ...

1183.75 RON
Spot pardoseala n-tic rotund

Spot pardoseala N-TIC rotund Dulie: G5,3/MR1 G5,3/MR16 (excl.)35W max. Material: aluminiu ...

167.88 RON
Brilux - spot de pardoseala gran 200

Produs adaptat pentru tensiune de alimentare de 230 V/50Hz. Produsul functioneaza cu sursa cu halogen J-78 (Brilux) sau alte surse cu proprietati asemanatoare. Sursa nu se afla in set Sursa de iluminat ...

Spot pardoseala patrat wetsy

Lungime 132,00mm L??ime net? 132,00mm Mas? net? 1,32kg. ...

918.33 RON

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