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Pachetul contine: Excel 2007, OneNote 2007, PowerPoint 2007, Word 2007 Cerinte minime de sistem: procesor 500mhz<br>ram 256MB<br>spatiu pe HDD 1.5GB<br>Microsoft Windows XP SP2Altele: Variant RetailTip aplicatie: Office ...

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Office Pro 2007 English (Word, Excel, Outlook - Business Contact Manager. Power Point,Office Accounting Express, Publisher, Access) ...

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Aplicatie microsoft office pro ed 2007 english fpp retail

Pachetul contine: Word, Excel, Outlook - Business Contact Manager. Power Point,Office Accounting Express, Publisher, AccessTip aplicatie: Office ...

Aplicatie microsoft office 2007 win32 english cd

Pachetul contine: PowerPoint 2007, Word 2007, Outlook 2007, Excel 2007Cerinte minime de sistem: procesor 500mhz<br>ram 256MB<br>spatiu pe HDD 1.5GB<br>Microsoft Windows XP SP2Altele: pachet RetailTip aplicatie: Office ...

Aplicatie microsoft office pro 2007 win32 english 1pk oem

Pachetul contine: Word 2007, Excel 2007, Outlook 2007 with Business Contact Manager, PowerPoint 2007, Publisher 2007, Access 2007Cerinte minime de sistem: procesor 1000mhz<br>ram 256MB<br>spatiu pe HDD 1GB<br>Microsoft Windows XP SP2Altele: ...

Aplicatie microsoft office home and student 2007 win32 english cd

Pachetul contine: PowerPoint 2007, Word 2007, One note 2007, Excel 2007Cerinte minime de sistem: procesor 500mhz<br>ram 256MB<br>spatiu pe HDD 1.5GB<br>Microsoft Windows XP SP2Altele: pachet RetailTip aplicatie: Office ...

Aplicatie microsoft office small business ed 2007 win32 english oem

Pachetul contine: Word 2007, Excel 2007, PowerPoint 2007, Outlook 2007 with Business Contact Manager, Publisher 2007Cerinte minime de sistem: procesor 500mhz<br>ram 256MB<br>spatiu pe HDD 1.5GB<br>Microsoft Windows XP SP2Altele: OEMTip aplicatie: ...

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 Incepand cu 1 Decembrie 2008 sistemele de operare Windows in licentiere OEM nu mai pot fi folosite in legalizarea PC-urilor vechi. Conform System Builder License Agreement, cel care deschide licenta este asamblatorul ...

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Joc pc microsoft flight simulator x xpack english dvd

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