masina de tuns gazon wolf garten 2.40 e1

Ati cautat masina de tuns gazon wolf garten 2.40 e1

Masina de tuns gazon wolf garten 2.37 e

Cod producator: 2.37 EThe WOLF-Garten 2.37 E with top equipment belongs to the entry class of electrical lawnmowers. Its compact size and weight of 14 kg makes it light and ...

802 RON
Masina de tuns gazon wolf garten 2.32 e-1

Cod producator: 2.32 E-1The WOLF-Garten 2.32 E-1 with excellent equipment belongs to the entry class of lawnmowers. Its compact size and weight of 12 kg makes it light and manoeuvrable ...

428 RON
Masina de tuns gazon wolf garten 2.40 e-1

Cod producator: 2.40 E-1Thanks to its compact design and a weight of 21 kg, the WOLF-Garten lawnmower 2.40 E-1 is light and manoeuvrable, and occupies minimum space between cuts. It ...

928 RON
Masina de tuns gazon wolf garten c.p 34 e

Cod producator: C.P 34 EMasina de tuns gazon Wolf Garten Compact plus 34 ETogether with the CCM cutting system, the WOLF-Garten lawnmower Compact plus 34 E represents an innovation for ...

802 RON
Masina de tuns gazon wolf garten c.p. 37 e

Cod producator: C.P. 37 EMasina de tuns gazon Wolf Garten Compact plus. 37 ETogether with the CCM cutting system, the WOLF-Garten lawnmower Compact plus 37 E represents an innovation for ...

928 RON
Masina de tuns gazon wolf garten c.p 40 e-1

Cod producator: C.P 40 E-1Together with the CCM cutting system, the WOLF-Garten lawnmower Compact plus 40 E-1 represents an innovation for cutting, collecting, and mulching with just one piece of ...

1394 RON
Masina de tuns gazon wolf garten c.p. 34 ac

Cod producator: C.P. 34 ACTogether with the CCM cutting system, the WOLF-Garten lawnmower Compact plus 34 E represents an innovation for cutting, collecting, and mulching with just one piece of ...

802 RON
Masina de tuns gazon wolf garten tc 32 s

Cod producator: TC 32 SMowing can be quiet and ecologically compatible with the attractively designed 8 kg WOLF-Garten reel push mower. The special reel design with ball bearings and five ...

378 RON
Masina de tuns gazon wolf garten c.p p.e 34 e

Cod producator: E 34 EMasina de tuns gazon Compact plus Power Edition 34 E.Together with the CCM cutting system, the WOLF-Garten lawnmower Compact plus Power Edition 34 E represents an ...

802 RON
Masina de tuns gazon wolf garten tc 38 l

Cod producator: TC 38 LMowing can be quiet and ecologically compatible with the 10 kg WOLF-Garten TC 32 L reel push mower and its attractively designed rims and tyres. The ...

630 RON
Masina de tuns gazon wolf garten tc 38 s

Cod producator: TC 38Mowing can be quiet and ecologically compatible with the attractively designed 9 kg WOLF-Garten reel push mower. The special reel design with ball bearings and five precision-ground ...

420 RON
Masina de tuns gazon wolf garten esprit 46 e

Cod producator: Esprit 46 EThe WOLF-Garten lawnmower Esprit 46 E is a powerful lawnmower for large lawns up to 800 m². It has a cutting width of 46 cm, a ...

1861 RON
Masina de tuns gazon wolf garten esprit 46 ea

Cod producator: Esprit 46 EAThe WOLF-Garten lawnmower Esprit 46 EA is a powerful lawnmower for large lawns up to 800 m². It has a cutting width of 46 cm, a ...

2239 RON
Masina tuns iarba wolf garten cart ohv 2

Cod producator: Cart OHV 2Greutate      92,00 kgLatimea de taiere     55.0 cmMotor     Motor OHV in 4 timpiPutere maxima: 4.4 kWPutere nominala: 3.7 kWCarcasa     AluminiuNivel de zgomot     ...

7615 RON
Masina pentru tuns iarba wolf garten tc 38 l

Cod producator: TC 38 LGreutate      10,00 kgLatimea de taiere     38.0 cmCarcasa     Otel / PlasticReglarea inaltimii/Domeniu     5 trepte1.8-4.0 cmLagar     Rulment cu bileEchipare de colectare/Volum     Sac ...

630 RON
Masina de tuns gazon wolf compact plus 40 b

Cod producator: 40 BTogether with the CCM cutting system, the WOLF-Garten lawnmower Compact plus 40 B represents an innovation for cutting, collecting, and mulching with just one piece of equipment ...

1987 RON
Masina de tuns gazon mtd mz/x 395

Cod producator: MZ/X 395latime de lucru : 39,5 cmmotor : MTD ThorX 35material carcasa : plasticpropulsie : prin impingere manualainaltimea de taiere : 25-80 mmreglaj inaltime : 5 pozitii individualeghidon ...

706 RON
Masina de tuns gazon husqvarna r 53

Cod producator: HusqvarnaR53- motor: Briggs&Stratton;- putere: 5 CP;- latime de taiere: 53 cm;- echipat cu colector de 75L;- echipat cu masa de taiere din otel;- reglare centralizata a inaltimii de ...

1604 RON
Masina de tuns gazon husqvarna 52s

Cod producator: Husqvarna52S- autopropulsata;- motor: Briggs&Stratton;- putere: 5 CP;- latime de taiere: 53 cm ; - echipat cu colector; - echipat cu masa de taiere din otel ;- reglare centralizata ...

2066 RON
Masina tuns gazon honda, hrg 415 c3 pde

Cod producator: HRG 415 C3 PDE- carter din metal tratat anticoroziune;- pornire manuala;-  sistem de protectie oprire de urgenta;- latime de taiere 41 cm;- 6 inaltimi de taiere 19÷73 mm;- ...

2117 RON

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