ZyXEL - Router Wireless NBG410W3G-retelistica

Zyxel - router wireless nbg410w3g

Pret: 1399 Ron

De la evoMAG.ro (BUCURESTI)
Telefon:, 0372.173.600
Comanda acest produs

Descriere ZyXEL - Router Wireless NBG410W3G

Router de ultima generatie cu WiFi 802.11b/g pentru acces internet prin retele 3G(embedded): tri-band HSDPA/UMTS: 850, 1900, and 2100 MHz;
are 4-Port configurabile LAN/DMZ;
suporta WEP Encryption and WPA/WPA2 Support;
suporta SPI Firewall prin sistemul de operare performant ZyNOS;
port USB

Comanda produs ZyXEL - Router Wireless NBG410W3G

Prin telefon
Reprezentant: Patrascu Mihai
Telefon: 0372.173.600,
La sediu
Adresa: Sos. Mihai Bravu 251-253, Sector 3
Localitate: Bucuresti
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