Udraw Hd Gametablet Instant Artist Bundle Xbox360 - VG3389-Jocuri copii

Udraw hd gametablet instant artist bundle xbox360 - vg3389

Acest produs nu mai exista in oferta Cosac Ionut Intreprindere Individuala
De la Cosac Ionut Intreprindere Individuala (BUCURESTI)
Telefon:0720.831.688 , 0720.831.688
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Descriere Udraw Hd Gametablet Instant Artist Bundle Xbox360 - VG3389

uDraw HD Gametablet Instant Artist Bundle Xbox360 este o tableta de tip accesoriuuDrawlansata de THQ in data de 11/18/2011, disponibil pentru Nintendo Wii, Xbox 360 si PlayStation 3. Tableta THQ uDraw va fi disponibila si pentru PlayStation 3 si Xbox 360.
Aceasta va fi de culoare neagra, mai subtire si nu va necesita atasarea controlerului la ea pentru a putea fi folosita, folosind propriile butoane pentru control.
Noua tableta vine la pachet cu jocul uDraw Studio: Instant Artist.
CaracteristiciuDraw HD Gametablet Xbox360:
-High Definition.
Utilizing the full capacity of PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, users can play, draw, print, and share their creations in HD.

-Touch Screen Creativity.
From pinch-and-stretch zooming to free-form finger-painting, the uDraw GameTablet responds directly to your touch.

-Built-In Controller Functions.
Xbox 360 and PS3 controls are directly integrated into the uDraw, eliminating the need to dock a controller.


Comanda produs Udraw Hd Gametablet Instant Artist Bundle Xbox360 - VG3389

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Reprezentant: Ionut Cosac
Telefon: 0720.831.688 , 0720.831.688
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