Ubisoft - Heroes of Might and Magic V - Gold Edition (PC)-GAMING Jocuri

Ubisoft - heroes of might and magic v - gold edition (pc)

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De la evoMAG.ro (BUCURESTI)
Telefon:, 0372.173.600
Categorie:GAMING Jocuri
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Descriere Ubisoft - Heroes of Might and Magic V - Gold Edition (PC)

Joc PC Heroes of Might and Magic V, Editia GOLD, Gen Fantasy Turn-Based Strategy, Nerecomandat persoanelor sub 12 ani (Violenta animata/Limbaj moderat/Teme sugestive/Referinte la alcool), Pana la 8 jucatori (8 Online), Include originalul HOMMV / Expansiunea Hammers of Fate / Expansiunea Tribes of the East / Trailerele acestor jocuri / Trailer cu firul epic / Jurnalul dezvoltatorilor / Albumul cu universul HOMM V / Filmulete exclusive cu testele monstrilor / Enciclopedia jocului realizata de catre fanii seriei / Si multe altele, Ubisoft/Nival Interactive

Comanda produs Ubisoft - Heroes of Might and Magic V - Gold Edition (PC)

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Reprezentant: Patrascu Mihai
Telefon: 0372.173.600,
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Adresa: Sos. Mihai Bravu 251-253, Sector 3
Localitate: Bucuresti
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