Spellforce Faith In Destiny Pc - VG19203-Jocuri copii

Spellforce faith in destiny pc - vg19203

Pret: 79 RON

De la Cosac Ionut Intreprindere Individuala (BUCURESTI)
Telefon:0720.831.688 , 0720.831.688
Categorie:Jocuri copii
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Descriere Spellforce Faith In Destiny Pc - VG19203

Spellforce Faith In Destiny Pc este un joc de tip role playing game lansat deNordic Games in data de6/29/2012, disponibil pentru Pc.
Totul se petrece la patru ani de la ultimele evenimente, timp in care toate portalurile s-au inchis, si insulele au devenit izolate una de alta.
In aceasta noua campanie singleplayer avem de ales una dintre cele zece rase diferite si cinci tabere, fiecare cu 12 tipuri distincte de unitati (creaturi).
Minimum System Requirement OS:Win XP, Vista, Win7 Processor:Intel Pentium IV 1.5 GHz Memory:2 GB RAM Graphics:3D graphics card with 128 MB RAM (compatible with GeForce 4 Ti or higher) DirectX:9.0c Hard Drive:5 GB HD space Recommended System Requirements OS:Win XP, Vista, Win7 Processor:Intel Pentium IV 2.5 GHz Memory:4 GB RAM Graphics:3D graphics card with 256 MB RAM (compatible with GeForce 6600 GT or higher) DirectX:9.0c Hard Drive:5 GB HD space

Comanda produs Spellforce Faith In Destiny Pc - VG19203

Prin telefon
Reprezentant: Ionut Cosac
Telefon: 0720.831.688 , 0720.831.688
La sediu
Adresa: Panait Cerna 2, Bucuresti
Localitate: Bucuresti
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