Sistem Barebone ASRock ION 330HT-Sisteme barebone

Sistem barebone asrock ion 330ht

Pret: 1051.01 RON

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Categorie:Sisteme barebone
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Descriere Sistem Barebone ASRock ION 330HT

Nvidia Ion, Atom 330 1.6Ghz Dual Core, barebone without memory and HDD, 2*DDR2800 up to 4 GB, VGA NVIDIA ION Directx10, FullHD 1080p, HDD 2,5 320GB(capable to support RAID 0, 1 by adopting the 2nd 2.5" HDD), DVD COMBO, 8CH, Gigabit LAN,802.11 b/g/n wireless LAN, HDMI, 6* USB2.0, Asrock Overclocking, Instant Boot, Silent, eSATA/USB port, Windows 7 Compatible, MCE Remote Controller, Black

Comanda produs Sistem Barebone ASRock ION 330HT

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