Patchcablu cat.6 ecranat rj45 gri 10,0m
Descriere Patchcablu Cat.6 ecranat RJ45 gri 10,0m
EAN-Code 9004840664065 Lungime 50,00mm Latime neta 270,00mm Inaltime 230,00mm Masa neta 0,32kg.
Temperatura minima a mediului ambiant
-20C Temperatura maxima a mediului ambiant 60C Produs patchcablu Categorie Cat.6 Ecranaj S/FTP Ecranaj ecranat Manta PVC Functionalitate LED fara LED Culoare gri Lungime patchcord 10,0m.
Comanda produs Patchcablu Cat.6 ecranat RJ45 gri 10,0m
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Telefon: 0213442238,
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Localitate: Bucuresti
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