Modul de lucru - modul A1-Accesorii instalatii electrice

Modul de lucru - modul a1

Pret: 13080.31 Ron

De la Netvolt Srl (BUCURESTI)
Telefon:, 0213442238
Categorie:Accesorii instalatii electrice
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Comanda acest produs

Descriere Modul de lucru - modul A1

Caracteristicile produsului Work benches are an indispensable element in a professional or home workshop.
Unior\'s modular benches are durable, stable and convenient due to their durable work surface, perforated walls, excellent lighting options, convenient drawers.
Module A1 also features plastic containers for storing small inventory.basic dimensions of work bench L 2000 x W 750 x H 2025mm

Comanda produs Modul de lucru - modul A1

Prin telefon
Reprezentant: Ionut Gheorghe
Telefon: 0213442238,
La sediu
Adresa: Soseaua de centura - comuna Glina DN-CB nr. 316 (langa benzinariile Luk Oil - intersectie Soseaua de centura cu Splaiul Independentie) cladire park logistic Corp A etaj 1
Localitate: Bucuresti
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