Masina de slefuit orbital RediPower RP3614-Scule Pneumatice

Masina de slefuit orbital redipower rp3614

Pret: 563 RON

Telefon:0771.63.84.32, 021.315.61.11
Categorie:Scule Pneumatice
Comanda acest produs

Descriere Masina de slefuit orbital RediPower RP3614

Cod producator: RP3614

150mm hook and loop sanding pads

5mm medium orbit

Adjustable speed regulator

165W motor for high performance

Round palm shape and contoured composite housing for operator comfort

Swivel rear exhaust hose

Low vibration

The ideal shape for horizontal and vertical applications

Complete dust control when connected to a suitable vacuum extractor

Very high operator comfort

Comanda produs Masina de slefuit orbital RediPower RP3614

Prin telefon
Reprezentant: Valentin Ursei
Telefon: 021.315.61.11, 0771.63.84.32
La sediu
Adresa: Str Spatarului nr 6 corp b ap 23 sector 2 , Bucuresti
Localitate: Bucuresti
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