Legend Of Heroes Trails In The Sky Psp - VG10160-Jocuri copii

Legend of heroes trails in the sky psp - vg10160

Pret: 129 RON

De la Cosac Ionut Intreprindere Individuala (BUCURESTI)
Telefon:0720.831.688 , 0720.831.688
Categorie:Jocuri copii
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Descriere Legend Of Heroes Trails In The Sky Psp - VG10160

Legend Of Heroes Trails In The Sky Psp este un joc de tip role playing game lansat deXseed in data de3/23/2011, disponibil pentru PlayStation Portable.
In orasul linistitRolent of the Liberl Kingdom, o tanara numita Estelle si prietenul ei Joshua, care a fost adoptat de familia ei cu cativa ani inainte, se pregatesc sa paseasca in breasla legendara a Bracer-ilor.
Bracerii sunt considerati mentinatorii de pace si protectorii de ordine.

Comanda produs Legend Of Heroes Trails In The Sky Psp - VG10160

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Reprezentant: Ionut Cosac
Telefon: 0720.831.688 , 0720.831.688
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Adresa: Panait Cerna 2, Bucuresti
Localitate: Bucuresti
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