DLINK - D-Link 4 Port 10/100 PCI Load Balancing Server Adapter-retelistica

Dlink - d-link 4 port 10/100 pci load balancing server adapter

Pret: 475.4 Ron

De la evoMAG.ro (BUCURESTI)
Telefon:, 0372.173.600
Comanda acest produs

Descriere DLINK - D-Link 4 Port 10/100 PCI Load Balancing Server Adapter

*D-Link 4 Port 10/100 PCI Load Balancing Server Adapter, NIC with 4 advanced 10/100Mbps UTP Ports for Servers, Auto-neg.
10/100Mbps data trans./ Port (NWAY), Full-duplex to double speed to 200Mbps/Port

Comanda produs DLINK - D-Link 4 Port 10/100 PCI Load Balancing Server Adapter

Prin telefon
Reprezentant: Patrascu Mihai
Telefon: 0372.173.600,
La sediu
Adresa: Sos. Mihai Bravu 251-253, Sector 3
Localitate: Bucuresti
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