Canapea deluxe stofa PRINCESS-Mobilier camera de zi

Canapea deluxe stofa princess

De la helvetia furniture (BUCURESTI)
Telefon:0744344800, 0213142992
Categorie:Mobilier camera de zi
Comanda acest produs

Descriere Canapea deluxe stofa PRINCESS

Princess sofa will give gentle breeze of romance to any interior.
Many pillows and rollers invite to relax.
Emphasize the nature of the furniture, wooden feet which can match the color of the other pieces of equipment

Comanda produs Canapea deluxe stofa PRINCESS

Prin telefon
Reprezentant: bogdan
Telefon: 0213142992, 0744344800
La sediu
Adresa: bucuresti
Localitate: bucuresti
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